Frequently Asked Questions

How can I trust you??

We understand that there are many scams online and that it is difficult to shop online, especially for something like a replica product, but we treat our customer's money like our money and this is why our business is successful. We do not push any customer to buy as we already receive a high volume of orders – if you do not trust us that is fine and we don’t want you to feel uncomfortable buying from us.

If you are wary of sending a large amount of money we suggest you start with a smaller item and once you verify our quality you will definitely be back for more like our other clients. If you still feel wary then please remember shopping with us is a choice, and we want you to be 100% comfortable before buying.

What payment methods do you accept?

We currently accept payment via Bank Transfer (TransferWise), Western Union, and Moneygram. If you want to use Credit Card payment, you can select TransferWise.

We can also accept orders by PayPal (NO DISCOUNT), but we only offer this payment to our old customers and sincere customer. Please contact us if you would like to do payment by PayPal.

Why we don't accept PayPal?

This is a question we are often asked and we would like to clear up any misconceptions about the payment methods we accept, and why we accept them.

Firstly, if Paypal would allow us to use them as a payment processor we would love to accept Paypal as it would make running our business much easier. We know it is easy for our customers to use and secure. But unfortunately, Paypal does not work with replica sellers. This is because brand name companies (e.g. Louis Vuitton, Celine, etc.) will sue them and fine them for processing payments for replica products. As a result, we cannot accept payments from Paypal. To make it clear – it is not because we do not want you to have a secure transaction, but it is because we are replica sellers and we are not allowed to use them.

Secondly, a similar issue occurs with credit card processors. They will also be fined if they process payments for replica products. This is why our payment methods are currently limited to Moneygram and Western Union. We know that these are not ideal payment methods and are always looking for better payment methods (including ways to accept credit cards) to offer our customers. We hope to make it clear that your comfort-ability & security as a valued customer concern us and we are always trying to make it easier to shop with us.

How do I cancel my order?

If you didn't pay for the order or we didn't receive your payment, we will not process your order, so you don't have to cancel.

How do I pay for my order?

When you’re happy with the items in your basket and are ready to proceed to checkout, click ‘Checkout’ at the top of your screen. You will be guided through our checkout page, once you have provided this information, you’ll be redirected to the page that shows you how to pay for it.

Do I receive an email for my payment?

When your order is placed, you’ll receive an order email.

What shipping methods do you use?

We usually use FEDEX, EMS or DHL.

How do I track my delivery?

After you pay for the order and we arranged the delivery, we will send you the tracking number by email.

I haven’t received my order – what should I do?

Delivery usually needs 7-10 working days. If you have concerns about an order please contact us and we can track for you.

Can I change my delivery address?

If we have already posted your order, it will not be possible to amend your delivery address. If you made an error during checkout which you have noticed immediately, please contact us as soon as possible.

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